Share: Danièle & Be*Live Storm the Bastille on DrSuzy.Tv! by The Collector
THANK YOU Women Fitness Magazine for “thanking” me for “inventing” the “healing… new phenomenon [of] Phone Sex Therapy” ☎️ waaaay back in the 1980s😮 #Read the rest of this very nice #WomenFitness article: https://www.womenfitnessmag.com/using-phone-sex-as-therapy/ 📞
#GoBonobos 4 #PhoneSexTherapy📱 which is (essentially) #SexTherapy + #PhoneSex The Bonobo Way 💖 If you need to talk privately about your erotic frustration, sexual “dysfunction,” secret fantasy, taboo desire, kinky fetish, cuckolding, cheating, post-Trump sex disorder, orgasm issues, dating, marriage, monogamy, polyamory, swinging, BDSM, sex and your career, sexual trauma, sexual abuse, religious abuse or anything else you can’t talk about with anyone else, you can talk to us: the #TherapistsWithoutBorders of the Dr. Susan Block Institute in Bonoboville at 213-291-9497 💓 You won’t go to hell for it. But you just might feel a lot better. Watch hundreds of Dr. Suzy shows on drsusanblock.tv Read The Journal @ drsusanblock.com
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